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Making Public Organizations Work

How effective is your organization?
Our organizational performance diagnosis gives you the answer.
Want your organization to become effective?
Let us work with you to develop a Strategic Plan. If you have one we can review it for common pitfalls or assist you to develop a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system.
Is your organization well aligned to effectively implement its Strategic Plan?
Allow us to re-examine your organization structure along with its job descriptions.
Is annual planning synchronized with the Strategic Plan and resources allocation?
We can help you institutionalize annual work planning including delegation, performance budgeting, and staff performance appraisal.
Is cultural change a problem?
We address change management by raising staff awareness about employment as a means for personal development and success.
Want to implement performance appraisal and improve accountability?
We can help you institutionalize staff performance appraisal e.g. OPRAS and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
Are you midway or done implementing your Strategic Plan?
You can benefit from our criteria-based midterm or end of term evaluation.